Why SmartWealth Black?
Thematic Funds
Invest in themes that matter to you: ESG, Real Estate, Income-generating, etc.
Global Liquidity
Register up to 2 international accounts to fund from and/or withdraw to.
Dedicated Advisor
Plan your investment strategy with a dedicated advisor.
Lower Fees
Benefit from lower fees as a SmartWealth Black client.

Redeem your funds to anywhere, globally
We recognize the importance of not only having investment liquidity, but also transferability. As a SmartWealth Black client, you are able to register up to 2 international accounts to liquidate your assets to.
Start nowBuild your plan with a dedicated advisor
Let us help you figure out what portfolio works best for you and your goals. Schedule a session with an investment advisor for us to help you manage your journey from start to finish.
Start now
Access to exclusive investment plans Coming soon
Choose and invest in themes that suit your investments requirements.
Global Multi Asset
Long term passive investing in ETFs. We've made available an option that allows you to access global markets via a fully Shariah-compliant strategy.
ETFs that are designed to deliver a steady stream of income for investors. This is done through high-yield investments in bonds and dividend stocks.
Socially Responsible
Invest in socially responsible companies across the globe (i.e. ESG), so you can maximize returns while helping build the world you want.
Real Estate
REITs invest in most real estate property types, including apartment buildings, cell towers, data centers, hotels, medical facilities, offices, retail centers, and warehouses.
Active Strategy
Invest in ETFs to outperform a traditional 60/40 mix of global equity and fixed-income investments. The fund principally invests in equity securities of any market capitalization.
Invest in a US-only ETF portfolio if you’re comfortable investing in one specific region.
Frequently asked questions
Who can open a SmartWealth Black account?
The service is available for Kuwaiti nationals and non-Kuwaitis that have valid Kuwaiti residency. You are eligible to be a SW Black client if you fund USD100k and above.
How can i redeem funds to my international account?
One of the features of SW Black is that you are able to register up to 2 international accounts to liquidate your assets to. Simply provide us with the details of the respective bank account, and we’ll take care of the rest.
What returns can I expect as a SmartWealth Black customer?
As your investments are capital markets based, we cannot guarantee any level of performance of the model portfolios we recommend (or that you will avoid a loss, total or partial). Any estimates we display rely on historic performance and are non-indicative of future performance.